Tuesday, June 2, 2009

IT Definitions That Corporate Employees Should Know: #1

Not Supported - Not supported does not mean it won't work; it just means if it stops working, we won't fix it. For instance, let's say that we tell you that we don't support iPhones on our corporate email system, and you decide to go and buy one anyway because Apple has advertised that it will work. When it arrives you submit a help desk ticket asking that it be setup to get your corporate email, and we close the ticket stating to you for the second time, that we don't support iPhones on the corporate email system. Your buddy at Innotech gets his corporate email on his iPhone, and shows you how to set it up and it works for 3 months. Then we decide to tighten security and change the email system and your iPhone can't get emails anymore. Given this situation you should you

A) Remember that we told you that we don't support iPhones, realize that it was by luck that it worked in the first place, and quietly drop the issue.

B) Submit ticket after ticket stating that it worked before and that we need to fix it. Support your reasons by quoting something you read (from Apple's web site) that iPhones have surpassed Blackberries in market sales and that it is just as secure. Ignore any technical bulletins put out by non-biased parties stating the nightmare of security problems that exist when allowing iPhones in your company.

C) Remember that we told you that we don't support iPhones, realize that it was by luck that it worked in the first place, and quietly drop the issue.

D) Tell us how your friend's iPhone works at his company and suggest that we call them to see how they set it up on the assumption that we only don't support things that we don't understand; while neglecting the fact that their company has been hacked twice in the last 5 years because of relaxed security precautions.


E) Remember that we told you that we don't support iPhones, realize that it was by luck that it worked in the first place, and quietly drop the issue.

The correct answer is A, C, or E.

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